Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Why Is Nutrition Important For Us Essay - 968 Words
Body I. Why is nutrition important for us? A. What does nutrition mean? 1. According to Whitney, nutrition is the science of the nutrients in foods and their actions within the body. (Whitney, 2013, p.3) a) Good nutrition is part of having a healthy lifestyle. b) Knowing what types of food you eat can help reach your goals, whether it is to help you maintain a healthy weight or reduce the risk of diseases. c) According to Bales (2011, August 1), â€Å"What you eat significantly impacts your heart health†(p.4). 1. In other words the foods that you pick can affect you as soon as today, tomorrow and in your future. 2. You may ask yourself why you should care. 3. Well the nutrients in the food enables the cells in our body to perform their necessary functions. 4. This is critical to know since if we don’t feed our body with the right amount of nutrients on a daily basis, you may not know it but your health will decline over the years if you keep going with the same routine 5. How well you nourish yourself depends on your overall eating pattern, the combination of different food and beverages at numerous meals over days, months, and years. (Whitney, 2013, p.35) [Transition: So I’m going to tell on how to get the better of your foods.] II. To recognize the true value of nutrition A. We have several meals a day and what we eat can have an influence on our body’s health for better or worse. We usually select foods based on taste and convenience, but making selection onShow MoreRelatedShould There Be Mandatory Nutrition952 Words  | 4 PagesShould there be Mandatory Nutrition Education in School? Every living thing needs nutrition in order to be surviving and growing healthier. In somehow, government required every import and export food products need to have nutrition label to let the customer know the nutrition fact of product. This will helps and gives us the ideas to know what the sources are containing in the products. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Moral Virtue Aquired Free Essays
How is moral virtue acquired? Alex Koglman Aristotle believes ethics is about moral virtue over intellectual virtue. Moral virtue comes about as a result of habits of human excellence. So in that case nothing that exists by nature can form a habit. We will write a custom essay sample on Moral Virtue Aquired or any similar topic only for you Order Now For example, when a bunny is born it does not learn to hop it is born to hop. With that being said us humans should try and develop good habits from the beginning of life. By developing good habits this will help you do the right thing without having to think hard about what the outcome is going to be. Good behavior arises from habits which in return can only be acquired by repeating the action and correcting it. First, moral virtues that help construct up a â€Å"happy†human are; justice, wisdom, courage and temperance. Wisdom is a special virtue that is intellectual; however it does guide human choices, while moral virtues are about action. Moral virtues are not acquired by teaching; they are brought on by acting the same way over and over again until it is habitual. So how do people acquire these moral virtues? The best conclusion would be, if a person had parents that acted in this way and were role models of excellence. Otherwise, success only comes from years of practicing, making tough decisions, and learning from your mistakes. Next, how will someone know when they acquire these moral virtues? The persons peers will look up to them and constantly have positive outcomes. People will come to them for help/advice, have 100% faith in them and be a huge role model. In result that person will feel like a million dollars knowing that he/she is in control. Aristotle provides people with both amazing insight and a powerful plan to shape one’s choices and actions in ways that will increase the chance of attaining happiness. By developing the four cardinal virtues, a person can go very far down the path of a whole life, well lived and the rest is up to good fortune. But even if bad luck ruins the chance, a person of good character, by possessing the moral virtues, will be far better off than those who don’t. Aristotle concludes that it is not possible to achieve happiness, a whole life well lived, without moral virtue. Moral virtue is a necessity for happiness otherwise people will act out of spite/anger/revenge/unlawful. Acting virtuously, however, is the primary means to becoming virtuous. For, according to Aristotle, â€Å"virtues arise in us neither by nature nor contrary to nature; but by our nature we can receive them and perfect them by habituation†How to cite Moral Virtue Aquired, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Mexican Style Rice Essay Example For Students
Mexican Style Rice Essay Spanish Cookbook Spanish 5th Period You Will Need: 1. (2 cups) Enriched Long Grain Rice 2. (4 cups) Water* 3. (2 table spoons) Butter / Margarine 4. Seasoning** a. (2 table spoons) Onion, Dried b. (2 table spoons) Red Green Bell Peppers, Dried c. (2 table spoons) Garlic, Dried d. (2 table spoons) Tomatoes, Dried 5. Salt*** 6. (2 table spoons) Soy Sauce**** *For saucier rice, add up to cup more water. **Chose seasonings (dried and/or fresh) and quantities to desired taste and convenience. ***To taste ****Optional Directions: 1. Heat water and butter/margarine to boiling in 4-quart saucepan. 2. Stir in rice, soy sauce, and seasoning mix. Heat to boiling. 3. Reduce heat. Cover and simmer about 20 minutes or until water is absorbed. 4. Mix in salt and enjoy. Servings: Serving Size 1/3 cup Servings-6 Nutrition Facts: Calories 360 Fat 2 grams Total Carbohydrates 84 grams Protein 10 grams Sugars 4 grams
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